
Test Automation Tool Suite

Saturn is an Open Source test automation framework developed by the Saturn development team. Its primary functions are test data-creation, execution and validation. Saturn has two components: an Eclipse plug-in for creating graphical Saturn scripts and a Linux command-line runtime.

The current stable version of Saturn is 2.2.9

Package Description

This software package is divided into three major components:


Saturn is the flagship application and is the core of the tool team's test automation strategy. Saturn is a test automation and execution tool that enables users to design and develop test automation scripts graphically through the use of an Eclipse IDE plug-in. Saturn scripts are, in essence dependency graphs where each node defines an atomic step. Individual steps come in many flavors and ultimately perform distinct actions such as database access, xml manipulation, data validation and several more.

The Eclipse plugin can be downloaded through eclipse from:

Command-line Tools

The command-line toolkit serves as an ad-hoc interface to some of the functionality found within Saturn.
These tools include:

Underlying Libraries

Finally, and most importantly, are the utils libraries. These are at the core of the toolkit and Saturn. They house all of the algorithms and solutions used in the toolkit and Saturn, but are designed for maximum re-use and as such are of value on their own. Algorithms to execute dependency graphs, the core of Saturn; parse, serialize and generate xml; read and write to disparate data sources; and provide a common interface allowing for advanced operations found in dsSQL and extractDDL. Not to mention that the util libraries can be used to write complex data processing applications with minimal effort.